Let it go.

It’s Okay! Let Go. Some People Aren’t Meant To Stay.

Goodbyes are hard. It's worse when people leave abruptly and you are left with no other option but just sit back and wonder why they left.

We often brood over people who've left us midway. That's because we expect people to stick around with us, be there and keep their promises of always being there.

What we often forget is this that people will always come and go and that, it's important for us to learn to let go. It’s only human to feel miserable when people leave because our expectations of them shatter; their promises are broken and our life are changed in some radical way.

We fail to understand that people are like changing seasons. They come and pass us by and like them, these people also make a difference to our lives. Each one has something unique to offer, a lesson, a thought, a way of life; but they change our life in some way for the better, even if it doesn't seem so at that moment.

It is quite depressing to see people leave but they may have their own reasons to do so.

I agree that it’s hard to deal with such situations but it makes no sense to cry over someone who has already chosen to leave instead of sticking around.

What’s gone is gone! Let it go. What’ll stay with you forever are the memories; so cherish those instead and move on.

Never forget that you still have people who’d vouch for you and go to any lengths for you. Count on them. Appreciate the ones who stay and let go, the ones who aren’t meant to stay.It’s Okay! Let Go. Some People Aren’t Meant To Stay.
