Love that never ends

Having someone whose "love" will never leave, has to be one of the greatest feelings in the world. It's amazing how someone can see the madness behind your flaws and still want to be a part of your life. The peace you feel never having to worry about your heart getting broken again, can't be explained.

When you have someone who is willing to stay by your side through all of your darkest days, that truly is a blessing. When you can always count on someone's "love" and know that they will always be there for you, that's when you know you have someone worth holding on to. When all they want to do is build a life with you and make beautiful memories, that's when you really know that you have someone special in your life. When you can wake up in the morning and have their presence brighten your day before the sun even comes up, that's when you really know that you have something special. Hold on to that person. People like that don't come around often.


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