If Your Guy Has These 7 Habits, Marry Him Right Now!

People naturally demand their partners to have good moral values and a kind heart because good looks are not enough to spend a life with. Every person goes through certain events that mold his character and make him either despicable or an absolute sweetheart. It entirely depends on how he tackles with the tantrums life throws at him.

Some traits in a man’s personality are absolutely worth dying for and if your guy has them, we would suggest you keep him because these qualities are hard to find and you’ve got one of a rare species out there. Value him:


Your guy is more than valuable if he respects women and is not sexist at all. If he supports your choices, helps you out with self-lifting and treats you equal, he is a definite keeper. Moreover, women tend to have ups and downs in their mood due to all the hormones dancing inside, it is not easy for another person to tolerate our meaningless anger on them so if your guy does not overreact to your reactions and understands and stays calm then we say he is a total sweetheart. Only gentlemen have such traits and we all know about the lack of gentlemen in our society these days. You will know your guy is one of them by his actions, speech and reactions.


Some men still believe in this stereotype that women are supposed to stay at home and do all the household chores while they go outside to earn money. We all know such men. If yours is not one of them and considers that stereotype foul, then you are dating a nice man. If he helps you out with your chores at home and shares the burden with you, he deserves a thumbs-up. Women are quite often left to look after the house all by themselves and men are ignorant of the fact, but someone who understands it can be difficult for you to do it all alone is worth keeping. 


Humans tend to think of themselves first in all matters naturally and involuntarily, but if your guy goes out of the way to put you first in everything, know that he loves you too much. Putting someone else before himself must require emotional effort so appreciate him for that and treasure this quality of his. Try to treat him the same way and let him know that he is precious.


Absolute honesty is not the best form of communication between emotional beings yet you’d love your man being completely honest to you. You might not like the truth at times, but the realization of him being honest to you will surely make you appreciate him. If he is honest, he will tell you everything that he does and does not, who he meets and who he does not meet, he will keep you updated on the healthy and unhealthy habits that he may catch. Who doesn’t love a companion who shares everything?


You are lucky if your man is generous in all matters of life. We do not refer to material generosity only but emotional and supportive generosity too. Although little gifts of flowers and chocolates won’t cost much but being generous with other entities like love, encouragement, expression and care are more important. If he is generous with his love for you and expresses it generously, you have got a man you should always keep. 


The sense of humor in quite important because it shows how he deals with matters that arise every now and then. If he makes you laugh and does things just to see a smile on your face, do not let him go. If he would do anything to make you laugh, he might as well go at lengths to keep you happy forever. Also, your conversations will never be boring and hardships will not scare you both too much with the positive attitude you will catch from him. And sometimes, during dry days, a good laugh and some giggles can do enough to change the mood. 


A real man values his woman’s opinions and pays heed to her suggestions and predictions. Communication is very important for a relationship to grow stronger and if he understands this fact, he is the one. Guys who ask their girls if their decisions are right or not, listen to them with attention and share with them their problems are guys who put their trust in their girls and they are worth everything. Dissatisfaction and arguments in a relationship are often cause by the ignorance of one partner towards the other one. So, it is a precious thing if he is strong at communicating with you.

Ladies, talk to me

Ladies, have you found a keeper? Have you found the man of your dreams? What is that one quality that you love about him? Let me know in the comments below. And as always, stay blessed and keep the love alive!


  1. Luckily I found him & we are happily married. :))


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