There's no perfect relationship. All relationships are work. If you put in the work, you'll reap the rewards.

You have to understand that there will be seasons in your relationship that will truly test your commitment to each other. And if you and your partner do not anchor each other in; love, respect, trust, care, support, communication and obedience (in terms of submitting yourself towards keeping each other happy), your relationship will have a very tough time surviving. Will you two have days when you both disagree with each other? Yes you are supposed to. Will you two have days when the romantic mood fades? Yes you are supposed to. Sometimes we can get so caught up in the glamour of being in love that, we completely overlook the grind that it takes to make love work as well. Relationships can be a lot of work, but when you are with the right person, the work can be very rewarding and worth it in the end.
